
Tuesday, 31 March 2015

My mihi in Maori

This is my Mihi in Maori i made it on Comic life and i learnt to Change the Fonts and background.

Ice Cream Combination

This is my Ice Cream combination I made it on Google Slides.

Fruit Burst Investigation Summary

The most lollies that were in the packet were Strawberry. There were ten lollies. The least number that were in the packet were lemon and lime. It  only had  two. Orange had three lollies in the packet. Banana and Wild berry had the same  amount of Fruit Bursts in the packet because there were six in the packet.

I found out that Strawberry was the highest out of  all  of the flavours. Wild berry and banana had the same number of fruit bursts. There were 6 Wild berry and Banana. Lemon and lime had 2 lollies in the packet. Orange had 3 in the packet. Lemon and Lime had the lowest flavour in the packet.

I found out  that  Strawberry was the highest Compared to Lemon & Lime. Wild berry and Banana had the same number that was in the packet. Lemon and lime was  least, it had 2. Orange was the only one that had 3 lollies in the packet.

I found out that there were 10 Strawberry sweets in the packet. This was highest out of all the sweet flavours.
There were  2 Lemon & Lime sweets in the packet. There were 6 Wildberry in the packet.

Strawberry had the highest than Lemon & Lime. Banana and Wild berry had the same number in the packet. There were 6 lollies in the packet. Lemon and lime had 2 lollies in the packet.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Chocolate Crakles

Today we have been learning about writing a
procedure.  A procedure is a list of instructions. 

Title: How to make Chocolate Crackles

4 cups Rice Bubbles
1 cup Icing Sugar
1 cup Coconut
3 Tablespoons Cocoa
250 grams Kremelta
Paper baking cups

  1. Melt the Kremelta in a saucepan over the stove or in the microwave
  2. Place the baking cups on a plate
  3. Pour four cups of Rice Bubbles into the bowl
  4. Measure one cup of icing sugar and pour it into the bowl
  5. Measure one cup of coconut and pour it into the bowl
  6. Measure the cocoa and pour it into the bowl
  7. pour the melted Kremelta into the bowl
  8. Stir the ingredients together
  9. Spoon the Chocolate Crackles mixture into the baking cups
  10. Refrigerate the  Chocolate Crackles for three hours
  11. Take the Chocolate Crackles out of the fridge and eat them

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

My speed Math

                                   This is my Speed math Activity i had 10 Right and 0 Wrong   

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

My Fruit Burst Investigation

Last week our Rich Task was sorting out a packet of Fruit bursts.
We were divided up into five groups. In my group I worked with Shilah ,Najib, Juliet and Riley. There were 6 Wildberry and Banana and 3 Orange and 10 Strawberry.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

My Woven Pictures

This is my woven picture. I used the same photo on two sheets of paper. One photograph was in full colour and the other photograph was black and white and was printed on coloured paper.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Ice Cream Combinations

This is my Google Presentation I learnt to post it on My blog and put the Ice cream flavours Together