
Friday, 4 January 2019

Week 3 - Day 5 - Activity 2

When it is too rainy I like to:

1. Playing Video games
2. I'll play fun activities inside.
3. Play Volleyball in the Hall
4. Sleep for 5 Hours.
5. Play music well cleaning the house

In this Activity, we had to list 5 things that we would do when It is too rainy. Above is my 5 things that I would do when its raining


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. Greetings Joshua,
    I have decided to comment on your blog again! My favorite idea that you listed was the first idea because I would love to play video games while it was raining! I don't usually sleep that long during the day but if its night time I would go to sleep for 10 hours or 9 hours.

    Would you jump in the puddle?
    Or would you go to the pools with your
    Family and friends?

    Keep up the hard work Joshua

  4. Hi Joshua,

    Nice blog post from you. I did this activity too, but I chose different ideas. I chose 4 and 1 as mine too. Playing music and cleaning would be an awesome idea, because it always motivates me during cleaning. Did you enjoy this task, because I did.


  5. Hey there Joshua, it's Billy here again, from the Summer Learning Journey team. Thanks for sharing five different activities for spending a rainy day. It can be nice when it's raining and cold outside because you can muck around the house all day without feeling guilty about not going outside. Volley ball in the hallway sounds like fun, I hope your parents don't mind.

    What sort of music do you like to listen to while cleaning the house?

    Thanks, Billy.

  6. Hi Joshua,
    Well done on finishing this activity. Your five activities that you like to do when it rains is great. My favorite one is playing video games as that is what I also like to do. What is your favorite video game? Keep up the good work.
