Converting all the different currencies from around the world can be quite tricky and confusing sometimes. Especially because it changes so often! Unfortunately you haven't quite completed the task here properly. In order to get full points for this activity, we need you to convert the prices given in the activity description into New Zealand dollars. There is a link you can follow that will help you with the calculations :-)
Once you have done that, you can come back to this post and edit your blog with your updated answers. Does that make sense? If you're still a little unsure, that's okay! You can email Rachel or comment on here and we'll be happy to help you with your blogging.
Thanks for giving this one a go Joshua, it's a good effort! I'll check back in shortly to see what you have come up with.
Hi Joshua
ReplyDeleteGreat job on this summer learning journey activity. Keep up the great work!
Hi Joshua,
ReplyDeleteConverting all the different currencies from around the world can be quite tricky and confusing sometimes. Especially because it changes so often! Unfortunately you haven't quite completed the task here properly. In order to get full points for this activity, we need you to convert the prices given in the activity description into New Zealand dollars. There is a link you can follow that will help you with the calculations :-)
Once you have done that, you can come back to this post and edit your blog with your updated answers. Does that make sense? If you're still a little unsure, that's okay! You can email Rachel or comment on here and we'll be happy to help you with your blogging.
Thanks for giving this one a go Joshua, it's a good effort! I'll check back in shortly to see what you have come up with.