
Thursday 3 January 2019

Week 3 - Day 4 - Bonus Activity

In the photo above is a picture that shows clouds creating a Mustache. I pick ed this photo because it got more details than the others. I know this because this Mustache looks real. The photo I picked was photo number 3

In this Activity, we had to pick 3 photos that photos were about clouds making shapes. The 3 pictures were a Rabbit a Spaceship and a Mustache. The photo I picked is a Mustache.


  1. Greetings Joshua,
    I totally agree that the cloud looks like a Mustache! The picture I chose was the tornado because it looked very cool and it also has detail. You forgot one the tornado one, but ok.

    If you had to choose another picture which one would you choose?

    Keep it up Joshua!

  2. Greetings Joshua,

    Congratulations for completing another task. NICE image of the cloud creator. I chose to talk about this image too, because I thought that it was easier for me to read. Nice thoughts about this photo. I also knew that it looked like a Mustache when I first looked at it.


  3. Hi Joshua,
    Well done on finishing this activity. I also think that this picture looks like a mustache. If you want one, would you get a mustache like that when you are older? Keep up the excellent work Joshua.

  4. Hi Joshua!

    Great job with describing what you see from this cloud!
    You are right it is really detailed.... Do you think it is real or maybe it's been photo shopped?

    It really does look like a moustache though, it reminded me a bit of the Monopoly man...
    Do you think so?

    Is there anything else you could see in the clouds?
    Any other shapes it could be?

    Great job Joshua!

    Nga mihi,
    Ellee :)
