
Thursday, 10 January 2019

Week 4 - Day 4 - Activity 2

WOW! I agree with Countdown. I think countdown should stop using plastic bags, it's because when reading what the SLJ said: Almost 80% of this waste is made up of plastic items. This is unbelievable. I think it is fair so people can learn why stopping plastic bags in the countdown. My parents thinks is disgusting people are throwing the countdown bags away. Here is a question: Why is Pak'n save stopping plastic bags?

In this activity, we had to tell my parents or friends what they think about Countdown’s decision to stop using plastic bags. I wrote my opinion and my parents. Above this blurb is my short description of countdown stopping bags.


  1. Greetings Joshua!
    That's great you are updated with your blogging. You are almost finished the summer learning journey and I can't wait! I think they shouldn't because you can do lots of shopping without paying for countdowns bags.

    Keep it up Joshua!
    By Chavda

  2. Hi Joshua,
    Well done on finishing this Summer Learning Journey activity. I think that you have done a great job explaining your reasons as to why you think supermarkets shouldn't use plastic bags. Keep up the excellent work.
